Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ahh... Summer!!!!

Yay! for summer!  I'm so ecstatic that it's SUMMER! SUMMER! SUMMER!!

RESTING is definately happening now!  

I did survive a week of _______ (your choice of word goes here ;) ) the first week of June was my last week of school so I had many days of "fun" and report cards to be done AND my first born son graduated from high school - waaaaaaa.  Actually, I didn't cry too much! Surprise! Surprise! well... that's because i had already cried while going down "memory lane" in preparing the photo collage :) and... he's not going anywhere! :)  He'll be home playing for ...

Here's some pics of graduation:

We had a great time at his party.  It was perfect to have the Stanley Cup on during it too.  Afterwards, Lance and I got to help for a few hours at the All Night Sr. Party.  We especially enjoyed having our friends (almost like family) here to help us celebrate, decorate and visit with - we love the Elsassers :)

This past year has really been a tough one and full of changes - some that we are still praying about.  I'm looking forward to settling into where God has led us so far.  Right now I get to enjoy the summer with a whole lot of NOTHING! It's the first time in about 6 years that i don't have to plan or organize a conference or benefit dinner - it's definately time for a break...  I'm enjoying it so far but am having a hard time doing absolutely nothing so... I've decided to sell Thirty-One Gifts for fun!  It has been fun so far :)  If you want to see my website click here  I really need some people to host a party very soon!!  So let me know!

We are also having fun going to the club (I'm hoping to get back into shape before our big Cabo trip later this year), hanging out at the club's waterslides and swimming at my mom's.

In a few months, we will be having another driver at our house! YIKES!  We are kind of looking for cars for him but we got a "wild" hair and decided to trade in my precious suburban!! I know!  Are you in shock right now!!  I think i still am!  LOL!!  There are many reasons involved here: we will have 4 cars at our house soon and most of the driving is just me and the girls; hoping to save $300+ a month to help pay for the girls to go to my school next year; and ??? i guess those are the main reasons - maybe also just needed another change (I hope it's not a mid life crisis thing - lol - hadn't really thought about that - probably not - but we did buy the first car we looked at! LOL )  oh well... its a 2013 Toyota Venza

Hopefully, my next post will be of some summer fun trips - until next time...

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