Sunday, September 27, 2009

Brayden's turning 11!

These pictures are out of order and i can't get my computer to move them ...

This is Lance in the back of our car - he had to sit here for our trip to Kadlec:)

The boys outside of Kadlec - they were a hoot!! I think this was the best part of the evening!

The nurses & staff was so excited and appreciative for all of the stuff the boys gave to the pediatric unit in honor of Brayden's birthday. I was so proud of his selfless act of giving to them instead of getting gifts for him...

The boys having fun playing Wii - they also played Nerf gun wars until 10pm! Boy were they a little stinky:-)

Brayden wanted me to make his cake - it turned out to be 4 layers and super yummy!!

We will be having his family birthday celebration next weekend -along with mine and my dad's - we all get to share in the festivities!! :)

1 comment:

mrs. c said...

i bet lance wouldn't have looked so glum in the trunk if he had been holding that delicious cake. GREAT job on the cake!